Saturday, April 19, 2008

Overwhelmed again

Well, as suspected my lesson was a giant diaster today. Ugh!!!! I should have known by my mood waking up that it wasn't going to be good. I tried to convince myself to get in the moment and ride correctly. There was a lot of activity at the barn today with about 8 people riding outside with me. I had all three instructors telling me what to do at various times and I totally tensed up and forgot most of what I accomplished on the last lesson. Brent was frustrated, I was frustrated and so was Harley I am sure. I tried going off into the open field and regrouping at the walk but it was no use. I finally did manage to get the stop right and quit on a good note. I can't help but feel defeated and overwhelmed at the lack of progress. Tomorrow is another day I know but, I really am trying to get this. Of course Mike as usual had another great quote for me which made me smile, " If you knew everything and what to do you wouldn't be here." So true Mike.....
Happy trails...


Mrs. Mom said...

Chin up TRC- we all have crap days. Trust me-- the feeling of "Why Did I Bother To Get Out Of Bed Today" has been allll to familiar of late, and I totally completely empathize with you there.

You are so right- tomorrow IS another day, and it WILL BE A BETTER DAY! ;)

Harley may have been frustrated, but I bet he is a forgiving man, and all will be well on your next trip out.

Rising Rainbow said...

Personally, I think those days of frustration can be the catalyst for great progress. I think without such days we become complacent and quit trying so hard. Because we have them we tend to make the most of those days when things are working instead of taking them for granted.

So hang in there and don't be to tough on yourself. We all have those days, and sometimes so does the horse.

Pony Girl said...

Must have been hard with 3 different instructors telling you what to do! I would've been a nervous wreck. At least you ended on a good note. Hang in there. Mike's right, if it was too easy, you'd miss all the fun of learning something new! ;)

Anonymous said...

Do you happen to have a Crates Saddle for sale?? If so please email directly to