Thursday, December 13, 2007

Murphy's law...

You know the old saying ..... if something can go wrong it probably will.
I listed Wilson in the local paper a few days ago and have been bombarded with calls on him. That's a good thing. I have had him quite awhile with no problems and of course, now that I have him advertised
he has injured himself. I went out to clean him up this morning, because yes we still are inundated with mud and found his right hind leg swollen and scraped clean of it's hair for about six inches. Yea.....
After freezing my hands off trying to clean the wound , it really doesn't look that bad. However, it is swollen and how to keep it clean in all this muck and mud??? I have someone looking at him tomorrow again and that means keeping him up all day, hoping the leg will not swell. Hopefully, the folks looking will realize it is just a flesh wound and not get all crazy about it. In other news, I had a great interview this morning for a job at our local hospital. I have a second one on Tuesday morning , keep your fingers crossed for me.


Rising Rainbow said...

Oh geez, I have had that experience before. It is just so frustrating. Horses!

I hope your job search is going well.

Kathy C said...

Good luck on your interview and hopefully his wound will heal quickly!