This is a cake I made for my 5 year olds Kindergarten class today. We are having an Easter theme party for fun.
Unfortunately, the only trail I will hoppin down this weekend will be interstate 75 with another load of stuff to Valkyre house. I am not complaining ....really. Its just the weather is just now starting to get nice and I long to be riding Frankie.
Yesterday the farrier came and he got a pedicure and he commented on how much better he is getting about being handled and with his feet. Yes! the ground work is paying off. Actually it is good that I am spending the only free time I have working with him on the ground. Ray hunt once said to me that you lead a horse from his back just as you lead from the ground. So I figure all our ground work will pay off when I actually do get to start riding.
Next weekend the ranch horse club is putting on a Versatility Clinic with a great clinician Ben Bowman. You may recall I took a clinic with him last year with Harley.
He really does a nice job and I am looking forward to going there. It is limited to ten riders and I have 8 signed up as of now. If it does not fill I may take Frankie just for some experience. He has never seen cows and the hauling would be good for him.
Speaking of hauling. A friend of mine had an idea to try for the woes I am having getting Frankie to back out of my trailer. She suggested working with him on the ground backing down inclines or step downs. Here at this house I have the perfect spot for this, the back lane is lower than the sides so I can step him down from the grass onto the gravel drive. I did not have time to try it yesterday with the rain but next week it is a go. Can't hurt to try it.
I am off to a room of 21 happy, energetic five year olds now wish me luck!
Happy trails.....
We had a horse that had the backing/stepping down issue you describe, and did various backing exercises that helped - sometimes I think they just don't know where their back feet are and that frightens them. We backed over poles, down inclines, out of the barn door (off the concrete apron) and the stall. If you can get him to put his front two feet in the trailer and then have him step up with just one hind, and then back down with that hind, and then up with the one hind, etc., he may begin to get the idea. If you have a big step he can back off that would be good too.
Your clinic sounds fun.
I have a question- why must you back him out of a trailer?
as I have always turned my mare, and we walk out an d step down after she takes a lomng gander of her new surroundings. When I trailer others, my sissy has told me to help them do the same for there seems to be less anxiety and less chance of hitting the poll.
Kate~ I have tried the two feet in then back out trick once or twice and eventually he gets it. Bottom line is I just need to practice more with him.
KC~ I usually just haul him so I can turn him around to lead him out but.... I really want him to learn this so in case I haul with someone else and cannont turn him around he will back out. Also it may come in handy one day if we get in a situation on the trail where we must back down a hill or something. :-)
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