Friday, February 18, 2011

An Awesome Evening..

I had the most awesome evening last night. NO I did not win the lottery, lose the 50pounds I need to or meet John Wayne. I simply went out and rode my horse. The weather has finally turned spring like here and I could not be happier! 66 degrees last night! For me it is like awakening from a deep winter depression. After work I changed into my jeans and headed to the barn. I was a little apprehensive about what Frank might look like since shedding his winter blanket and the thaw out left plenty O mud. My fears were not realized.....he had some dirt on him but was not nearly as bad as he could have been. I love the fact that when I approach his paddock he whispers to me the whole length of the fence to the gate. Yes whispers, it is like a real soft nicker that he keeps doing until I pet him and put his halter on. Back to his stall to get cleaned up and I notice we need a pedicure, make a mental note to call the farrier on the way home. Back in his stall he is disappointed to find there is no feed or hay awaiting him, he gives me the look.

Poor pitiful Frank.

Out come the brushes and I notice he is still sore on that one spot on his back. aughh.......I have had him ultra sounded and the horsey chiropractor out to adjust him and given him apple cider vinegar and still it is tender. It is the strangest thing, he is not off, it does not seem to bother him when I ride but to curry it or palpate it sure enough it is tender. What to do??

We saddle up and I decide that I am going to make my barn owners day and let her ride the Frank. I have been hinting to her that she should and she is without her own personal horse for the time being so I am going to share him tonight. Her face beams when I call out to her on the way to the arena. She runs, yes runs into the arena and scrambles up on him demanding that I instruct her on how to ride him. She does really well despite the fact that she rides Saddlebreds and she is now riding in a cutting saddle with shank bit on a loose rein, looser than she is comfortable with. Frank is a star and perfect gentleman and Mommy beams!

After a bit I get up and we get down to some schooling to see what we can improve on, the lesson kids love watching him and are full of questions. I leave the barn with a heart full of love and pride for my boy. Hoping for lots more riding this weekend.

Happy trails......


Rising Rainbow said...

Maybe Frank has some muscle soreness there that could use some acupuncture to release it. Just a thought.

I got to ride yesterday too for the first time in days and it sure felt good. It was not 66° however, more like 38°. Still did my heart good.

Sounds like Frank gave the BO an awessome ride. That's very cool.

4RRanch said...

Just found your blog, love your horse. You are right, a good horse is a good horse no matter what color or breed. Check out the pictures on my blog of the horses we looked at today out of a creamello stallion.

Blackjack Books said...

What words... super, a magnificent idea