Hi friends, I have left you alone to long again.....
I have all good intentions of sitting down to visit with you and then ten thousand things happen.
It has been a very long and cold wet winter here in Kentucky. Matter of fact as I write you there is snow on the ground! Let's catch you up on things.
Frank has enjoyed his time off this winter, with the footing being so crummy I think we have ridden three times since October. I saddled him last Saturday since it was a balmy 54 degrees and sunny. It was just as if I had been riding him all along.... he hadn't forgotten a thing.
There is certainly something to be said for a horse that can have that much time off and still behave and perform beautifully. Love my boy!
Pearl.....where to start?
Pearl had been with trainer Jed Lawrence, who trained Frank for me. In January, Jed took a job with Craig Schmersal in Oklahoma. I shopped around and found what I thought was a good fit for a new trainer. I sent Pearl to West Virginia for the month Of February. There was a complete lack of communication from that trainer and my gut told me to run and fetch Pearl. I brought her home before her month was up. My good friend who trains in Ohio offered to take Pearl. I was hesitant not because of her abilities but felt funny about business and friendship mixes. Well, Terry has had Pearl about a month and it was the best thing I did for her. I plan to go up and ride her next week and make a decision on whether to put her up for sale or continue on with her.
Here are a few pictures
Will keep you posted on progress of both my beauties.
Happy trails.....
Glad to hear from you and that all is well!
my daughter loves horses
I just found your blog and really liked it. Hope all is well.
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