Since I have been absent for almost a year, I figure we have lots of catching up to do. As I mentioned last post Frank and I had a busy summer of showing. We started out in Bowling Green, Ky in April and I am proud to tell you all that I finally got the nerve to do a reining pattern. It was super slow and I did not slide very well but we finished and were on pattern and even managed to place. May took us to Missouri and boy was that a long haul for us. June brought us to Michigan to show, It was smoking hot there for so early in the year. We had our best trail pattern of the season there and placed in all our classes. We also did an open show in Indiana that month and won our first money!

Don't I look mighty happy here?
June also took us to Indiana and all my ranch horse friends finally got to see me show Frank. See for years I have been running show offices and not showing, a few people even said that they did not realize I even owned a horse! August we traveled to Tennessee for another show and despite my only riding twice that month Frank still placed in all classes, we even placed third out of 20 in our ranch reining class! I had the biggest smile on my face as I finally got the slide!
This picture is from a rail class, I didn't realize how much he blends into the wall!
September we finished our show season in Kentucky again and I am so proud of all that we accomplished as a team. We really are clicking together and he is such a good boy.
I am a little sad that we didn't get any trail riding in this past year but there will be lots of time for that in the future.
Thanks for riding along...
Happy trails...